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Sometimes, things come in waves...

I was recently asked if I was at peace with my decision to leave the public school system. While the short answer is YES any reflective practitioner would pause to honor the why behind it. Taking the leap of faith to launch Brick and Ivy Studio, shepherd young families through the early years, and design nature-inspired, creative play experiences certainly didn't happen in a flash nor in a vacuum. My teaching-mama heart had been gradually stirred, in what felt like waves, slowly over time with the unconditional love and support of family, friends, and colleagues.

While I absolutely loved the work that I did in the public school system and was honored to wear the hats that I wore across the continuum, I just grew to know at my core that I was being called away from traditional learning environments to the ever so slightly wild and free path that lead me all the way to the Studio. Never, however, could I have ever imagined the tsunami of decisions, challenges, and situations (hello global pandemic) that would present themselves at each twist and turn in the early days of my EDUpreneurship and for that I am so grateful...because I may have lost my nerve and missed out on the most amazing and personally fulfilling chapter in my teaching career!

Trusting the process, openly sharing vulnerability, and knowing when to simply let go and pivot continues to come in waves. The learning curve behind the scenes at Brick and Ivy Studio can be pretty steep from time to time but thanks to an incredible team and learning community co-creating an unparalleled experience has come with great pride, admiration, and gratitude!

As we joyfully prepare to celebrate our fifth year at Brick and Ivy...I can't help but feel like a little girl standing where sand meets sea, enjoying the sights, sounds, and scents of salty beach goodness- mesmerized by the wonder of the waves. The essence of that wonder stands to remind me today that my purpose has always been connected to something bigger than my plan. I am here to love my neighbor, serve my neighbor, and teach my neighbor...and THAT peace has absolutely nothing to do with choosing a public or private system and everything to do with faith in both. Who knows what will come in waves over time...

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